+7 (495) 223-62-22
Countersurveillance technologies
Countersurveillance technologies
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy for personal information applies to all information that Surtel LLC may receive about the client and/or user when contacting Surtel LLC and/or while using the Surtel LLC website, its applications and/or services.
Contacting Surtel LLC and/or using the applications and/or services of Surtel LLC means the client’s and/or user’s consent to this Privacy Policy and the terms and conditions for processing his/her personal data specified therein. In case of disagreement with these terms, the client and/or user must refrain from contacting Surtel LLC or using the Surtel LLC website, its applications and services.
1. Definitions and terms
1.1. Privacy Policy of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) is this document with all additions and amendments, regulating the collection, processing, use, storage and protection of personal data of clients and/or users of Surtel LLC applications.
1.2. User Agreement of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is a document with all additions and amendments, regulating the basic terms and procedure for the user's use of the functionality of the applications of Surtel LLC.
1.3. Personal data - the last name, first name, patronymic name of the client and / or user, contact information, name of the organization, payment and other details of the legal entity represented by the client and / or user.
1.4. Client of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") is a customer or buyer (including potential) of products and / or services of Surtel LLC, a legally capable individual acting on his own behalf or on behalf of and in the interests of the legal entity represented by him.
1.5. User of the applications of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "User") is any legally capable individual using (visiting) the applications of Surtel LLC, who has joined the User Agreement and this Privacy Policy in his or her own interests, or on behalf of and in the interests of the legal entity he or she represents.
1.6. Website of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") is any of the automated information systems available on the Internet at network addresses in the following domains (including subdomains): suritel.ru, surtel.ru, surtel.rf, suritel.com, sln.ru
1.7. Application of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") is a computer program and/or database, including the Site, intended to provide access to the Service using a device for information purposes.
1.8. The Service of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) is a set of services based on and provided to the User using the Application, including access to Content located in the closed part of the Site.
1.9. Content — images, text, audio and video materials, as well as other objects of copyright and (or) related rights, as well as information and messages of any nature that are not such, posted in the applications of Surtel LLC.
1.10. Device — a personal computer, tablet, mobile phone, communicator, smartphone, other device that allows using the Applications and / or the Service for their functional purpose.
1.11. Registration — a request from the Client and / or User to Surtel LLC, with the obligatory indication of personal data established by the rules of Surtel LLC, to receive a login and password to access the Content posted in the closed part of the Site, and / or to receive news and other messages by e-mail.
1.12. Authorization — entering the login and password on the Site to confirm the authority to access the Content located in the closed part of the Site.
1.13. Message from Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Message) — information about new or changed products and/or services, advertising and news information sent to the User.
1.14. Cookie file — a small file that is saved on the User’s device after visiting the Site and that is accessed during subsequent visits to the Site.
2. Subject of the Privacy Policy
2.1. The subject of this Privacy Policy is the procedure governing the collection, processing, use, storage and protection of personal data of Clients and/or Users of the Applications of Surtel LLC.
3. Type of information collected
3.1. Surtel LLC collects personal data that it receives directly from Clients and/or Users when contacting Surtel LLC, placing orders, or registering. Information that must be provided is marked in a special way; other information is provided by the Client and/or User at their discretion.
3.2. Surtel LLC collects and stores personal data that is necessary for the use of Applications, provision of Services or execution of agreements, contracts and contracts with the Client and/or User, as long as it is necessary to achieve the above purposes, except for cases when the legislation provides for mandatory storage of personal data for a period specified by law.
3.3. Surtel LLC has the right to collect certain personal data from publicly available sources of information, which is permitted by Russian legislation.
3.4. Surtel LLC assumes that the Client and/or User provides reliable and sufficient personal data and keeps this information up to date. The consequences of providing inaccurate or insufficient information are defined in the User Agreement of Surtel LLC.
4. Use of personal data
4.1. Surtel LLC collects, processes and uses the personal data of Clients and/or Users for the following purposes:
4.1.1. Provision of services, conclusion and execution of agreements, contracts, contracts, and other obligations of Surtel LLC in relation to Clients and/or Users, filling out accounting and legal documentation.
4.1.2. Establishing feedback with the owner of personal data, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the execution of agreements, contracts and contracts, use of the Site, provision of services, processing of requests and applications from the Client and/or User.
4.1.3. Informing about new or changed goods and services. Sending advertising, news and other Messages.
4.1.4. Identification of the User registered on the Site to provide access to the Content located in the closed part of the Site.
4.2. If it is necessary to use personal data for purposes not mentioned in this Privacy Policy, Surtel LLC shall request the prior consent of the Client and/or the User.
5. Rights of the owner of personal data
5.1. The Client and/or the User shall have the right to request information at any time free of charge about what personal data Surtel LLC has about them.
5.2. The Client and/or the User may contact Surtel LLC by telephone at +7 (495) 223‑62‑22, by e-mail at info@suritel.ru , or by sending a letter to the address 125319, Moscow, Usievicha St., 5.
5.3. The Client and/or the User may request correction or deletion of personal data, except for the cases provided for in clause 5.4. of this Privacy Policy, by sending a written request to Surtel LLC, including by e-mail, for correction or deletion of their personal data.
5.4. Surtel LLC does not have the right to completely delete the personal data of the Client and/or the User if this contradicts the statutory requirement for their storage (for example, for accounting purposes).
5.5. The Client and/or the User may at any time revoke their consent to the use of their personal data for marketing purposes.
6. Access to personal data
6.1. The personal data of the Client and/or the User may only be used by Surtel LLC. Surtel LLC does not transfer, sell or exchange personal data to third parties, except in cases stipulated by applicable law (receiving an official request from law enforcement agencies; enforcement of a court decision; preventing fraud; protecting the rights of Clients and/or Users, etc.).
6.2. Personal data is sent to third parties only in the following cases:
6.2.1. The Client and/or the User has expressed consent to such actions.
6.2.2. The transfer is necessary for the User to use a certain Service, or for the fulfillment of certain obligations by Surtel LLC to the Client and/or the User.
6.3. In the event of the sale of the Site, all obligations to comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy in relation to the personal data received by it shall be transferred to the purchaser.
7. Protection of personal data
7.1. Surtel LLC takes technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data of the Client and/or the User from unauthorized or accidental access, from fraudulent actions, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions with them by third parties.
7.2. Surtel LLC ensures that the security measures used correspond to the latest technological achievements and developments.
7.3. For maximum security of the databases storing personal data, Surtel LLC uses a system of complex passwords and access control. For maximum security of registration on the Site and/or news, all information is sent in encrypted form, via a secure connection.
8. Cookies (for Application Users)
8.1. Surtel LLC may use cookies to improve and simplify the process of visiting the Site. Surtel LLC does not use cookies to store personal data or disclose them to third parties.
8.2. Using a browser, the User can easily delete cookies from their device. The User can find instructions on how to handle and delete cookies in the Help section of their browser. The User can deactivate the option to use cookies or choose to receive a notification each time cookies are sent to their device. It is necessary to take into account that if the use of cookies is deactivated, the User will not be able to use all the functions of the Site.
9. Links (for Application Users)
9.1. Applications may contain links to websites on the Internet (third-party websites). The specified third parties and their content are not checked by Surtel LLC for compliance with any requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, etc.).
Surtel LLC is not responsible for any information or materials posted on third-party websites to which the User gains access in connection with the use of the Applications, or for the availability of such websites or information.
9.2. The User uses third-party websites and applications at his own risk and is solely responsible for the possible consequences of their use, including any damage that this may cause.
9.3. A link (in any form) to any website, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted within the Apps does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by Surtel LLC, except in cases where this is expressly indicated by Surtel LLC. Surtel LLC offers these links to them so that the User can find additional information on certain topics.
10. Changes to the Privacy Policy
10.1. The Privacy Policy may be changed by Surtel LLC without any special notice or agreement with the Client and/or User.
The new version of the Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment of publication on the Website or notification of the Client and/or User in another convenient form, unless otherwise provided for in the new version of the Privacy Policy.
10.2. The current version of the Privacy Policy is published and is permanently available on the Website page at http://www.suritel.ru/privacy/politika-konfidentsialnosti/ .
11. Responsibility for the security of personal data
11.1. The Russian company OOO Surtel is the operator and controller of the personal data provided by the Client and/or the User, and is also responsible for the processing and storage of your personal data in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data" No. 152-FZ dated 27.07.2006.
12. Final Provisions
12.1. This Privacy Policy is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by this Privacy Policy shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All possible disputes arising from the relations governed by this Privacy Policy shall be resolved in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Throughout this Privacy Policy, unless expressly stated otherwise, the term "legislation" means the legislation of the Russian Federation.
12.2. If for one reason or another one or more provisions of this Privacy Policy are deemed invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of the Privacy Policy. 12.3
. All disputes under or in connection with the Privacy Policy shall be subject to consideration by the court at the location of Surtel LLC in accordance with the current procedural law of the Russian Federation.
12.4. This Privacy Policy is drawn up in Russian.