+7 (495) 223-62-22
Countersurveillance technologies
Countersurveillance technologies
User Agreement
This User Agreement regulates the relationship between Surtel LLC, which is the owner and administrator of the Site, computer programs and/or databases (hereinafter referred to as the "Applications"), and any person using (visiting) the Applications (hereinafter referred to as the "User"), and determines the terms and procedure for using the functionality of the Applications. Surtel LLC and the User are jointly referred to as the "Parties" and individually as a "Party".
Each Party guarantees to the other Party that it has the necessary legal capacity and legal capacity, as well as all the rights and powers necessary and sufficient to conclude and execute this User Agreement in accordance with its terms.
1. Definitions and Terms
1.1. User Agreement of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is this document with all additions and amendments, regulating the basic terms and procedure for the user's use of the functionality of the applications of Surtel LLC.
1.2. Privacy Policy of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy") is a document with all additions and amendments regulating the collection, processing, use, storage and protection of personal data of clients and/or users of Surtel LLC applications.
1.3. Personal data — the last name, first name, patronymic name of the client and/or user, contact information, name of the organization, payment and other details of the legal entity represented by the client and/or user.
1.4. Client of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Client") — a customer or buyer (including potential) of products and/or services of Surtel LLC, a legally capable individual acting on his or her own behalf or on behalf of and in the interests of the legal entity represented by him or her.
1.5. User of the applications of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "User") is any legally capable individual using (visiting) the applications of Surtel LLC, who has joined this User Agreement and the Privacy Policy in his or her own interests, or on behalf of and in the interests of the legal entity he or she represents.
1.6. Website of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") is any of the automated information systems accessible on the Internet at network addresses in the following domains (including subdomains): suritel.ru, surtel.ru, surtel.rf, suritel.com, sln.ru.
1.7. Application of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Application") is a computer program and/or database, including the Site, intended to provide access to the Service using a device for information purposes.
1.8. The Service of Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) is a set of services based on and provided to the User using the Application, including access to Content located in the closed part of the Site.
1.9. Content — images, text, audio and video materials, as well as other objects of copyright and (or) related rights, as well as information and messages of any nature that are not such, posted in the applications of Surtel LLC.
1.10. Device — a personal computer, tablet, mobile phone, communicator, smartphone, other device that allows using the Applications and / or the Service for their functional purpose.
1.11. Registration — a request from the Client and / or User to Surtel LLC, with the obligatory indication of personal data established by the rules of Surtel LLC, to receive a login and password to access the Content posted in the closed part of the Site, and / or to receive news and other messages by e-mail, placing an order for the purchase of goods.
1.12. Authorization — entering a login and password on the Site to confirm the authority to access the Content located in the closed part of the Site.
1.13. Message from Surtel LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Message") - information about new or changed goods and/or services, advertising and news information sent to the User.
2. Subject of the Agreement
2.1. The subject of the Agreement is the definition of the terms and procedure for the User's use of the functional capabilities of the Surtel LLC Applications.
3. General Provisions
3.1. The User may use the Applications in any way and in any form within the limits of their declared functional capabilities, including:
  • viewing the Content posted in the Applications;
  • Registration and/or Authorization in Applications to access Content located in the closed part of the Site;
  • Registration to receive Messages by email;
  • other use of the functionality of the Applications and/or the Service based on them.
3.2. This Agreement and the mandatory documents specified herein define the basic terms and conditions for using the Applications, as well as any development thereof and/or addition of new functionality.
3.3. A mandatory condition for using the Applications and/or the Service based on them is the full and unconditional acceptance by the User of the terms and conditions of the following documents (in the text of the Agreement, “mandatory documents”):
3.3.1. This User Agreement, published and available on the Website at http://www.suritel.ru/privacy/.
3.3.2. The Privacy Policy, published and available on the Website at http://www.suritel.ru/privacy/.
3.4. The provision of Applications and/or Services is regulated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, as well as additional documents adopted on its basis (in the text of the Agreement, “additional documents”), which are published on the Website of Surtel LLC and may regulate the specifics of using a particular Application and/or Service.
3.5. In the event of a contradiction between the Agreement and the terms of use of any of the Applications and/or Services individually, set out in an additional document, the terms of use of the relevant Application and/or Service, set out in the additional document related thereto, shall prevail.
3.6. The Agreement, including the mandatory documents related thereto, may be amended by Surtel LLC without any special notice or agreement with the User.
The new version of the Agreement and/or the mandatory documents specified therein shall enter into force from the moment of publication on the Website or communication to the User in another convenient form, unless otherwise provided for by the new version of the Agreement and/or the mandatory documents specified therein.
3.7. By using any of the options specified in paragraph 3.1., the User confirms that:
3.7.1. He or she has read the terms of this Agreement and the mandatory documents specified therein in full prior to using the Applications and/or Service.
3.7.2. Accepts all the terms of this Agreement and the mandatory documents specified therein in full without any exceptions or limitations on its part and undertakes to comply with them or stop using the Applications and/or the Service. If the User does not agree with the terms of this Agreement and the mandatory documents specified therein or does not have the right to conclude an agreement based on them, the User should immediately stop any use of the Applications and/or the Service.
4. General terms of use of the Applications
4.1. Viewing the Content posted in the Applications in the public domain does not require mandatory Registration and/or Authorization of the User.
4.2. Viewing the Content posted in the Applications in closed access is allowed only after the User has completed Registration and/or Authorization in the Applications in accordance with the rules established by Surtel LLC.
4.3. To receive Messages, the User must complete Registration in the Application in accordance with the rules established by Surtel LLC.
4.4. The list of functional capabilities of the Applications, the use of which requires preliminary Registration and/or Authorization, as well as the acceptance, if necessary, of additional documents for the use of the Services, is determined and also changed at the sole discretion of Surtel LLC and may change from time to time.
4.5. The login and password are necessary and sufficient information for the User to access the closed part of the Application. The User is fully responsible for the safety of the login and password, independently choosing the method of storing them, and has no right to transfer them to third parties.
4.6. When registering, the User undertakes to provide accurate and complete information about themselves in accordance with the questions asked in the Registration form and to keep this information up to date. If the User provides incorrect information or Surtel LLC has grounds to believe that the information provided by the User is incomplete or inaccurate, or if the User violates the terms of this User Agreement, Surtel LLC has the right, at its sole discretion, to block or delete the User's account, as well as to refuse the User use of the Applications and/or the Service based on them in whole or in part.
4.7. Surtel LLC reserves the right at any time to require the User to confirm the data specified during Registration and to request, in this regard, supporting documents (for example, identity documents, a certificate of employment), failure to provide which may be equated to providing inaccurate information and entail the consequences provided for in paragraph 4.6. of this Agreement. If the User's data specified in the documents provided by him/her do not correspond to the data specified during Registration, as well as in the event that the data specified during Registration does not allow the User to access the closed part of the Site, Surtel LLC has the right to apply the measures specified in paragraph 4.6. of this Agreement.
4.8. Information about the User contained in the User's account is processed, used, stored and protected by Surtel LLC in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
4.9. The User agrees not to take any actions that may be considered as violating Russian legislation or international law, including in the area of ​​intellectual property, copyright and/or related rights, generally accepted standards of morality and ethics, as well as any actions that lead or may lead to a disruption of the normal operation of the Applications and/or Services based on them.
5. Restrictions on the use of Applications
By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the User understands and acknowledges that:
5.1. Surtel LLC has the right to establish limits and restrictions on the use of Applications and/or Services for all Users, or for certain categories of Users (depending on the User's place of work and position, the language in which the Service is provided, etc.), including: the presence/absence of certain functions, the maximum storage period for information and data, special parameters of downloaded information, etc.
Information about the established restrictions is communicated to Users in the form and manner determined at the sole discretion of Surtel LLC.
5.2. The User uses the Applications at his/her own risk. The Services are provided "as is". Surtel LLC does not assume any liability, including for the non-compliance of the Applications and/or the Service with the User's purposes.
5.3. Surtel LLC does not guarantee that:
  • The Applications and/or Service comply with the User’s requirements at the time of acceptance of the Agreement and will comply with them subsequently;
  • The service will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors;
  • the results that may be obtained using the Applications and/or the Service will be accurate and reliable and may be used for any purpose or in any capacity (for example, to establish and/or confirm any facts);
  • the quality of any product, service, information and Content obtained using the Applications and/or Services will meet the User's expectations.
5.4. Any Content (including downloadable software, letters, any instructions and guides to action, etc.) that the User gains access to using the Applications may be used by the User at his or her own risk and shall be solely responsible for any consequences of using the said Content, including any damage that it may cause to the User’s device or third parties, for loss of data or any other harm.
5.5. Since the Applications and the Services based on them are constantly being supplemented and updated, the form and nature of the functionality of the Applications and the Services provided may change from time to time without prior notice to the User. Surtel LLC has the right, if necessary, at its own discretion to terminate (temporarily or permanently) the provision of the Services (or any individual functions within the Services) to all Users in general or to an individual User, in particular, without prior notice.
5.6. Surtel LLC shall not be liable for any types of damages incurred as a result of the User’s use of the Applications and/or the Services based on them.
5.7. If any person has registered as a User on behalf of a company that has authorized them to do so, this means that the company accepts the Agreement and undertakes to defend Surtel LLC, its management and employees from any lawsuits, processes and proceedings related to the use of the Applications and/or Services based on them, as well as from any liability, including financial, in relation to claims, damages, injuries, processes, proceedings, legal costs and attorneys' fees.
6. Intellectual Property Rights
6.1. All Content available through the Applications, including design elements, text, graphic images, illustrations, videos, computer programs, databases, music, sounds and other objects placed within the Applications, are the objects of exclusive rights of Surtel LLC and other copyright holders.
6.2. Surtel LLC grants the User the right to functionally use the Applications within the limits of their general functionality.
6.3. The User has no right to reproduce, repeat and copy, sell, or use for any commercial purposes any parts of the Applications (Content, design, etc.) available to the User through the Applications, or access to them, except in cases where the User has received such permission from Surtel LLC, or when this is expressly provided for in additional documents.
6.4. The User may use the Applications and the Content posted therein for personal, non-commercial use, provided that all copyright marks, related rights, trademarks, and other notices of authorship are preserved, the name (or pseudonym) of the author/title of the copyright holder is preserved unchanged, and the corresponding object is preserved unchanged. Exceptions are cases directly provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or additional documents.
7. Messages
7.1. Surtel LLC has the right to send the User informational electronic Messages to the e-mail address specified during Registration.
7.2. It is permitted to use Messages to inform the User about restrictions on access to the Applications and/or the Service due to preventive maintenance, User violations, changes in the functionality of the Applications, content, or terms of provision of the Service, including changes to the Agreement, mandatory and additional documents.
7.3. OOO Surtel may, at its sole discretion, use the Messages to distribute advertisements for its own services and products.
8. Links
8.1. The Applications may contain links to websites on the Internet (third-party websites). The said third parties and their content are not checked by OOO Surtel for compliance with any requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, etc.).
OOO Surtel shall not be liable for any information or materials posted on third-party websites to which the User gains access in connection with the use of the Applications, or for the availability of such websites or information.
8.2. The User uses third-party websites and applications at their own risk and is solely liable for any consequences of their use, including any damage that may be caused.
8.3. A link (in any form) to any website, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature, posted within the Apps, does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services, activities) by Surtel LLC, except in cases where this is expressly indicated by Surtel LLC. Surtel LLC offers these links to them so that the User can find additional information on certain topics.
8. Final Provisions
8.1. This Agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All possible disputes arising from the relations governed by this Agreement shall be resolved in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, according to the norms of Russian law. Throughout the text of this
Agreement, unless expressly stated otherwise, the term "legislation" means the legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.2. If for one reason or another one or more provisions of this Agreement are recognized as invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.
8.3. Inaction on the part of Surtel LLC in the event of a violation by the User of the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive Surtel LLC of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests later, and does not mean a waiver by Surtel LLC of its rights in the event of subsequent similar or similar violations.
8.4. All disputes under the Agreement or in connection with it shall be considered in the court at the location of Surtel LLC in accordance with the current procedural law of the Russian Federation. 8.5
. This Agreement is drawn up in Russian.